A woman kept mysteriously getting drunk despite not consuming alcohol. Turns out, a rare condition called "auto-brewery ...
(Image credit: Triff via Shutterstock) Doctors surgically removed a fetus that was found in the brain of a 1-year-old girl.
The ancient Egyptians buried their dead at Saqqara for thousands of years. Why was the necropolis so important to them?
The James Webb Space Telescope peers into NGC 4449, a small galaxy showing explosive star formation that astronomers can't ...
Potentially hazardous asteroids pose a risk to Mars missions, but they can also yield insight into the history of the Red ...
The U.S. wreck is the grave site of the 79 crew who died when the sub was sunk in battle in 1944. Shipwreck hunters have ...
China's mysterious Shenlong space plane has released an unidentified object in orbit — the seventh such object released in ...
Volunteers on an environmental clean-up in Kazakhstan uncovered rock art dating to the Bronze or Iron ages, but ...
When you gaze up at the stars, you see the same constellations that the ancient Greeks, and even the early hunter-gatherers, ...
Like whale blubber, oil as a dominant source of energy will gradually be phased out over the next decades. Here's what that ...
Europe's awakening Campi Flegrei volcano experienced its biggest seismic swarm in 40 years, with 150 earthquakes rocking the ...