Metal halide perovskites, a class of crystalline materials with remarkable optoelectronic properties, have proven to be ...
Nvidia on Sunday unveiled new products and plans to accelerate the advance of artificial intelligence, with the AI hardware ...
As Japan plays host to a record influx of tourists, one of the country's more private attractions—the high-tech toilet—is ...
Teams of robots have the potential of tackling far more elaborate missions than individual robots, for instance, covering ...
A new study published in the journal Cell Reports Sustainability focuses on the air quality and climate benefits of wind and ...
The ongoing transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources has never been more important as climate change and ...
Humans and robots are increasingly interacting within built environments such as cities, buildings, walkways, and parks.
The transition to electric cars is well underway. At the turn of the year, Denmark reached 200,000 registered electric cars, ...
In a study published in Cyborg Bionic Systems, researchers from Shanghai University have unveiled a new artificial ...
A research team has developed a core technology to ensure the charging/discharging stability and long-life of lithium-ion ...
A trio of engineers at the University of Glasgow has designed and built an AI-based drone system that can assist in search ...