More than 120 million people have been displaced, with low to middle income countries bearing most of the burden ...
Mr Biden will join leaders from France, Britain, Germany, Canada, Italy and Japan on Thursday in the Puglia region, where ...
Actor tells The National how his 'truly humbling' journey to Bollywood was all thanks to taking a big risk – and 15 years of ...
The quadrennial tournament will feature some of the world's best players, with a surprising amount now playing their club ...
The Middle East is lagging behind other regions in attempts to reduce smoking with a switch to less harmful nicotine products ...
“The Houthis should immediately release any UN employees and workers for other independent groups they have detained because ...
Project 2025 is a political plan that includes dismantling and rebuilding the federal government, and installing tens of ...
Libya ’s Tripoli-based National Unity Government and Tunisia have reached an agreement to reopen the Ras Ajdir border ...
Inside Out 2 is a Pixar triumph that arguably even overshadows the first film, precisely because it deals with a period of ...
All teachers will be trained in artificial intelligence under a new programme, with a special honour awaiting the top ...
Seamer takes career-best 4-9 while batter hits unbeaten half-century to help seal seven-wicket win in New York ...