Additionally, Rheinmetall is in talks with Ukrainian suppliers in a bid to form a new joint venture for in country production ...
The policy, spearheaded by the House, will require agreement from the Senate before it stands a chance at becoming law.
Dutch State Secretary of Defence Christophe Van der Maat said that an original 2026 delivery timeline “turned out not to be ...
The Emirati firm has been eyeing expansion in multiple global markets, including Latin America and East Asia, EDGE Group's ...
The Japanese defense industry as a whole is really hurting from the hollowing out of those second tier and third tier ...
WASHINGTON — Anduril Industries announced today it received a $19 million contract to “design, build and test second stage ...
"This is giving the ability to precisely identify target and engage talent that we just didn't even know about,” Air Force Lt ...
The parties did not manage to agree on [Leopard] configuration and consequently, talks about Leonardo’s strategic ...
WASHINGTON — House Appropriators’ $833 billion fiscal 2025 defense spending bill makes a range of programmatic changes, with ...
Cybersecurity is the one commonality among cloud computing, secure data and networking, artificial intelligence, cross-domain ...
BEIRUT — In a first, Malaysia has moved towards acquiring three Turkish-built corvettes, signing a government-to-government ...
During a recent trip to the border between Israel and Lebanon, Breaking Defense took in the destruction that eight months of ...